Sunday, July 25, 2010

I just want people to accept us.. Any advice?

Me and my girlfriend have been going out for over a year, and everything with her is so great :) But sometimes when we're out people stare at us and we've had some abuse shouted at us. I think it makes her feel uncomfortable because shes quite self conscious and the other day somebody came on instant messenger and said some quite offensive stuff about me and her, i havent told her it happened. i hate to think that people find us disgusting, i have never had any reason for people to hate me and its hard for me and her to accept it. What should i do? Thankyou I just want people to accept us.. Any advice?
Unfortunately there is nothing you can do, there are people in this world that are homophobic. They can't accept that we are with the same gender because it makes us happy, that we are not gay/lesbian to cause offense or hurt people.

Your whole life there will always be at least 1 person that will discriminate against you because of your sexuality. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about these narrow minded people. You just have to develop a thicker skin where the abuse is concerned and learn to hold your head up high.

=)I just want people to accept us.. Any advice?
I'm a lesbian who grew up watching my lesbian mom suffer discrimination. I can tell you that the more you dress different, put radical bumper stickers on your car, pierce your lip or go out of your way to ';look gay,'; the more ppl are turned off. They're much more accepting when you act like a regular person (not closeted, just normal). I love PRIDE parades but they do hurt our image because they reinforce the idea that we're different/set apart from ';normal'; people. People need to know they can relate to you, to understand and accept you. If you have normal hair, clothes, makeup, speech, and are just walking down the road holding her hand or something and people are rude, then the only way to change people's minds is through education. It depends how brave/confrontational you want to be. You could not react and calmly walk on. Or you could go up to them and say something calm, quiet, and rational like ';Is there a problem? Did I do something to offend you?'; You'll catch them off guard and they'll mumble something hateful, embarrassed, like ';I just think gay people are sinful,'; or something. You could use that opportunity to launch into reasoning with them, however you want to. You can look at Human Rights Campaign or PFLAG websites for talking points. You wouldn't believe how many minds people have changed this way. But even if you have to agree to disagree, you can still end cordially and say, ';well, thanks for talking with me. We don't agree but that's OK. Have a nice day.'; I doubt they'll ever shout something nasty again.
The world is filled with ignorant, hurtful people.

You will just have to live with that fact.

Sad but true.

Just try to live your life in a decent, honorable way and hopefully educate a few people along the way...
Listen honey you are who you are and you should never let someone try to take that away from you. Who cares what people think and if it gets to you then that means that you letting them get to you. People don't like anything that is different or that they don't understand but be gay and proud and don't ever let someone steal your joy away. My and girlfriend go through the same thing and when people stare we give them soomething to look at. We kiss in front of them and if they are really disgusted i'll feel her up or something. Let them say what they want who are they to judge. Most of the time they probably want to join you anyway.
First of all, the person that sent you an IM is a COWARD!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know who they are so I can't say it to their face.

Second, I think your a great person to want to protect her like you are, she is lucky to have you. Most guys are not even that considerate.

Honey you will always be faced with ignorant people, I get stared at and talked about too. I'll go for a walk with my son, who is in a wheelchair and disabled. I too get funny looks and snide comments.

Some of them I ignore and some I reply back to. It's not a bad thing to stand up for yourself, just pick your battles and be careful after awhile you won't even notice how others are. You can always move to my town, we will all go out together !! LOL

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