I'm 16 and in the midst of choosing my A-levels.
I really want to do psychology when I'm older and need help on what subjects and things I need to take and do to get there.
At present I'm taking the following subjects next year:
An Open Learning Course in HIGHER Psychology.
A-level Geography, English Literature and Government and Politics.
I'm not great at sciences.
I want to know if this is the right move, what I should be reading and what I need to do University wise to become a successful psychologist - I've got all the enthusiasm I just need the grades!
Help would be must appreciated! ThanksUK people only: A future in psychology advice need!?
Well Im not from the UK(very close to the uk though) but your choice of subjects seems fine. Maybe taking biology would be an advantage because so much of psychology is related to the biological workings of the body(especially when it comes to medication). Biology is a pretty interesting subject so you could end up liking it.
But your enthusiasm is what you have most going for you, if you have the will theres always a way. What I will say though is to try and talk to a psychologist (or a councillor) about their work. The ultimate question to ask is: If they had a choice would they choose a different career now?
But try get some practical information about the work of a psychologist. You could even contact the psychology department of the university you're planning on attending. Theres a person whos job it is to deal with such enquiries so they'll be happy to meet with you and tell you all about the course and the work of a psychologist.
I know all of this seems like a lot of work but it'll be worth it. So many times I've seen people enter in a field of study thinking its what they'd like to do but it turns out not to be to their liking. What they imagined the course would be didnt match up to the reality.
Hope that helps and good luck!
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