Sunday, July 25, 2010

Why do irresponsible people ask questions that need advice but in the end they CHOOSE the one they WANT to...?


This irritates me! Why do people do this??

For example lets say someone asks where to find a male to mate with her female?

MOST ANSWERS will be to not breed and not add to the overpopulation and spay her dog and there's probably ONLY 2 answers that gives them advice on how to find a stud...and there they go, they choose either ONE of the answer THEY WANT TO HEAR and they JUST IGNORE THE 98% OF GOOD ADVISE OTHERS GAVE THEM.

Another ex:

Someone asked how can a dog choke himself if tied up outside without? (BEING INSIDE THE HOUSE AND NOT WATCHING THE DOG AT ALL TIMES IS NOT SUPERVISION).


In the end asked chose an answer that she wanted HEAR while 98% said otherwise!

The answer she chose said something like this::

Its not very likely for a dog to choke when tied up, its very rare...(i forgot the rest).

How do you feel? why do people ask something and still just what THEY ONLY WANT TO HEAR?Why do irresponsible people ask questions that need advice but in the end they CHOOSE the one they WANT to...?
Plain and simple - these type of people just want someone to validate their ignorance. They aren't interested in learning and they sure don't want to be told what they're doing is hurting their dog. It's a waste of time to answer some questions. You can usually tell who doesn't know or sincerely wants to learn and who just wants someone to agree with them.Why do irresponsible people ask questions that need advice but in the end they CHOOSE the one they WANT to...?
I was just reading a question that was about a person who obviously didnt have a breeding mentor, but she said she had one but she ';was just asking on here cuz im bored, duhh wut am i supposed to do?';. She picked for best answer something that applauded her for going into breeding blindly and answering everything she asked for with wrong answers.

Dr. Dog
Because we are humans, and no one wants to face the terrible, ugly truth. Just look at President Bush and Global Warming. Disaster.

True, but to choose an answer they don't like is like admitting defeat. These people have huge egos, and if they admit they're wrong, it's like they lost a battle or something and they are admitting they knew nothing in the first place.
because they didn't come on here not to find a stud they came on to find info on finding one..same with me if i came in looking for a stud to breed with i would pick the info that helped me find one...but i'm friends with alot of stud owners so i don't need Y/A
There is no answer sadly. People do this all the time whether on here or real life. They just want to do what they want to do %26amp; if they can get 1 person to agree only validates their opinion no matter how much evidence to the contrary.
Because they don't want the truth, they want validation for their stupidity and there's usually morons out there that will give it to them.

Some people never learn no matter how many times you slap them in the face with the truth...

Some people refuse to learn and only hear what they want to.

They like to think what theyre doing is the right way, and need at least one person to back them up regardless of fact.
Some people are just stubborn and just ignore what they don't want to hear. Yeah, I really don't like people like that either but what can we do?
You forgot that they often report the people who disagree with them.
cuz they're asking a question that they want an answer to, not what you want them to do or telling them they're an idiot...
...because they are people...
Oh, I know which one you are talking about. I answered her original question about if her dog was seeking attention by wrapping himself around the deck posts. I'm going to go check my list of answers and see which one she picked...

But to answer the question in the mean time, it's absolutely ridiculous. Why ask questions if you don't want to learn? This isn't a contest to see how many people will side with you. The only time I understand people picking answers that agree with them are opinion type questions. Not ones that have factual answers.
To the person that asked the question about a dog choking themselves in the garden I don't agree with tying a dog up at all!

But then again if someone asks about where to find a stud for thier female dog, it irriates me when people don't just answer the question! That's why you ask on here... everyone has different opinions on things and especially on the dog section there is alot of hypocrism. There are pros and cons on every breeding programme and breeding some pure bred dogs is not right but some people still agree with it despite numerous in bred problems.
That is very true. But many people are also very rude with there answers. There is a difference between being nice and rude. I say this for the first example you give. They are finding a answer that will not go against what they are doing that they already made there minds up for. Of course they will go for an answer that will give them the answer they need. (if that is understandable lol).

But yes i do agree with you for your second example. That was horrible. That person should not even had a puppy.
You are absolutely right. I never heard it put so well.

(........while I agree.... and it annoys me also, I admit to being a wisea** and posting an answer in order to get a best answer vote, which is what you are seeing with these goofs.......)

Yuck, brown nosing is kinda gross........

I keep posting in hopes that some tiny bit of light will shine into their itty bitty brains. And i'm stubborn and no quitter and if one good question comes up I am all over it.

hello dear i do agree with you on some of your points. Yes most people only hear what they want too, and someone like me can get upset when i see people who are not qualified to answer some questions but do and others can be heartless or cruel. A few years ago I had read a story about a woman who's dog had passed and she was so alone and so sad, because the dog had been like most of us her best friend and light of her life. Some fellow had written quite your crying it was just a stupid dog. My god it ripped my heart out.

But it is human nature to only hear what you want and lets just try to be happy and remember that this whole system is here to help entertain and inform.

we can't all be precious divas sweetie! paws to you.
well for the first one they asked where to find studs not what they should do with a female dog. I understand that she shouldn't breed the dog but if your not going to answer the question don't expect them to pick your answer as the best.

And for the most part this is an opinion site. Dog food, and training, spaying and nuetering, pitt bulls and other things. So it doesn't matter to me if people don't always agree with me. I mean I've been given thumbs down for owning a rottweiler.
Because they want justification of their irresponsible behavior. They do not come on here for advice, they come on here for validation that they were ok in what they did like let their dog breed irresponsibly or let their dog outside without supervision. You answered your own question here. People only hear WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR or SEE WHAT THEY WANT TO SEE. I am a sociologist in the criminal justice system and believe me it gets really frustrating. How about actual criminals who try to justifiy themselves? I see it everyday. It's very disheartening, frustrating, and sometimes you just want to give up. But then you see another question and that will be the one where you end up saving the dog's life cause someone really is looking for help. Keep on pluggin on there girl. Life is full of idiots.
Because some people are asking for help and really don't know. If someone were to want to breed and everyone but a couple people are telling them not to, they want to find out how to breed..plain and simple. Their question for example...How do I find a stud dog to breed with my female? They are looking for advice on how to find a stud dog! They are not looking to find out how bad the pet overpopulation is, or else they would've asked a question such as...How many unwanted pets are in shelters and how many lose their lives every year? They figure how come they cant breed, everyone has to start somewhere. Every breeder, either Puppy Mill Breeder, Responsible/Reputable Breeder, Back Yard Breeder, has had an experience with their first litter and needed some help. I personally am a very responsible breeder and am semi new to this. I had a mentor, many people to call, etc. But one night at 2 am I had a question and my dog went into labor 5 days early and no one would answer the phone,( they didn't wake up ) and I was worried sick. I posted a question and was attacked to a point that ticked me off. I thought that someone that had experienced a similar situation could help me...but no I was attacked. I believe that everyone has the right to breed if they are responsible, and even if they are not..this is America, and yes it is sad that people only breed to produce puppies that aren't worthy, or are not champions, or just because puppies are cute. But they are people that are looking for answers...not meanness and criticism. That's why they pick those answers. Because they are the only people that truly answer the question that was asked.

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