Thursday, July 29, 2010

Some people in my culture annoy me...advice please!?

I'm Hispanic and didn't grow up near a lot Hispanics.

It was far and few, and these Hispanics.. were like me..they had assimilated and were their own identity, didn't automatically wan to be my BFF because I was Hispanic too, some have done that.*

The ones I grew near ..when I was much younger..

I have bad experiences with them, when I lived in a different state, then I grew up in. A lot of bad experiences with more than one.

I tend to not like being around them because of this.

I'm humble about my origins

I don't have a problem with Hispanics who can assimilate and

not be ignorant and assume I speak Spanish.***

I don't like the ones who think I speak Spanish because I'm Hispanic, try to talk in Spanish to me nor the ones who don't assimilate and try to act so ignorant and think America is their land, well the Mexicans.

I live in a state where the population isn't as big,

I'm about to have a culture shock, since I'm moving down to AZ for school.

I do I handle this?.Some people in my culture annoy me...advice please!?
OMG, girl, I know what you're going to have even more negative experiences, sorry to say. All I can say is ignore ignore IGNORE! Don't try to start a fight.


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