PS: I was dissapointed in him recently because he had a friend visit him from Florida who is gay. But says he is just friends with him. He told me he had sex with him about a year and a half before (because I asked him if they had anything to do with each other before).What do you think people?Advice for 19 yr old gay guy (gay people preferred)?
Yeah hes older, and wise. Id say leave him find another guy your age, let your love for each other become an adventure, romantic, and fulfilling as you discoverer each other (to me that sounds fun, you both will get to know eachother and work on your feelings ect just imagine it all) this man sound manipulative, you 19 virgin, and hes a 32 gay man with lots of experiences, he might just want to do you and use your bottom for his own game, and when hes dun just drop you. In sort a bottie call, yeah and more then likely he had sex with that one guy, because he was not getting any, so he lied but told the truth about having sex in the past to gain your trust even more. To me it sounds like hes playing a game. Id move on if i were you. Oh btw Im American :P Not offended, but that is kinda ignorant of you to subjugate every gay American like that. Its like all the straight people saying gays have HIV or are weird. ';There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.'; SocratesAdvice for 19 yr old gay guy (gay people preferred)?
I either like them younger or older my age doesnt really attract me unless they look lots older
First of all, what do you mean nonamerican? most of the american culture is made up of people from that i got that out of the way; if my boyfriend went and visited a girl he used to sleep with i would not be havin it ; but i am a jealous person and i try not to hid it; you may be comfortable with you boyfriend being around people he used to sleep with i think thats your personal choice but it seems you are not ok with it if your own here trying to get other peoples advice; my best advice is to keep your guard up because you cant get hurt that way.
The past is best left in the past. Don't Analyze things so much.
You are responsible for how you feel. If you feel good around him, age shouldn't be an issue. We always try to bring baggage into new or fairly new relationships, just let things be. Enjoy yourself, love, smile, the head will always play tricks on us. Be in the moment.
Uhmm I'd personally like a guy more my age but if that works for you then fine but since he's older, he could be more devilish and might be planning something behind your back (eg. using you as his sex... ya). See, 19 year old guys wouldn't think of things like that... OK I have no idea what I'm talking about I'll shut up.
as long as ur happy i suppose your find but id never date someone more then 6 yrs older then me but then again true love is true love
I'm an older man in love with a younger man from a different country and culture. We've been together for 1.5 years. The age difference, the language difference and the culture differences do present problems, but we have been able to deal with them pretty darn well.
Bottom line? The differences do present problems, but they can be addressed.
A well adjusted 32 year old man would not enter into a relationship with a 19 year old guy expecting something serious.
Ignore the age for a minute, it seems you have an issue with him going away %26amp; seeing an old flame. if you trust him, hang onto him, if not, you need to talk to him. Talk first, if you act rashly you may regret it.
I believe u'd be better off attempting to be heterosexual as the gay life sucks and leaves a continual bad taste in one's mouth the **** ain't normal and it will NEVER. EVER work in the long run. it is man and woman or NOTTA. just my personal opinion. i HATE being called gay or referenced to the disgusting , grotesque community.
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