Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why are some people on here if some one asks for advice why be negitive. saps?

Exactly. I've read so many very sad and heart breaking questions where people sound as though they are in genuine trouble; rape, addiction, relationship problems and so on, and the best answers people can give are;

let him/her go

call the police

get counceling

you're going to hell (if it's in the LGBT forum)

he/she hates you

email me and i'll treat you better


Take the time out people to give a decent answer!Why are some people on here if some one asks for advice why be negitive. saps?
Why are some people on here idiots? For example when someone asks for advice, they are negative saps.

I guess it comes with age, or perhaps the repetitive answers to the same questions that it appears the asker does not research prior to posting. Perhaps it is sarcasm or even further more a joke. Potentially it could be that many of the questions proposed by younger askers are not grammatically correct or even in the form of a question and frustration with the state of our educational systems. Another consideration is as we all are growing older we are more concerned regarding aging and retirement based on the questions presented. Maybe the judgment of the answers is because the askers assumption is they already know the answer and they become hostile when the answer they sought was not amongst those provided by those answering the question.

Should we all bow to your superior knowledge or base this question on the fact you have received answers you disapproved of? Just basing the second thought on the sentence structure, do they not teach how to structure a sentence and what a run on sentence is anymore?Why are some people on here if some one asks for advice why be negitive. saps?
I sometimes come off as pretty negative when it is obvious the person asking the question does not need niceties or platitudes. There are occasions where you can sense they need what can only be termed tough love. To offer them a ';that's too bad'; or ';That's Ok'; just dfoesn't cut the mustard whenpeople have obviously gone totally against their own conscience and are in here seeking answers.
If you only accept the positive in life and reject the negative, how do you know how to accept the turmoil in life then?

You can only grow stronger by learning how to deal with negativity in life.
Because they are so screwed up and bitter, they would rather spend hours on here venting their hatred, than trying to communicate with and help people. Its a shame for them really x
sometimes that the only honest way to answer a question if it's not done in a narrowed minded manner.
its a personal reflection of themselves, try not to take it personally.
If they're negative, be positive. Be the change.
It makes them feel smart or smug. Ask away I'm trying to keep answers positive. Well mostly.
that's how people should probably know that not every answer is going to be all sweet and nice
stupid answers turn me on. in fact, i typed this with one hand.

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