Saturday, August 21, 2010

If people are asking about dogs and are unwilling to see a vet shouldn't we still give them the best advice?

I see alot of people just say ';Go to a vet'; or ';What is wrong with you you cruel person.. etc etc';

I agree that the vet is the best place to bring a pet when they have a problem or are injured. However I realize that not everyone is willing or able to do so. But for the sake of the dog, I'm willing to tell them all they can possibly do themselves for the dog.. even if it may not be as good as a vet.. it's better than nothing.

I'd rather have someone at least give first-aid or even a home remedy rather than nothing to a dog in pain or distress or illness. By simply saying ';Go to a vet'; you don't really change the persons mind.. but maybe, just , maybe if you tell them what they CAN do to help.. the dog will be better off than with no help at all. Telling someone to ';go to the vet'; when they can't or won't do it, doesn't help the dog or cat.. So shouldn't we give the best advice we can and include all options? Instead of just lashing out with hate and contempt ?If people are asking about dogs and are unwilling to see a vet shouldn't we still give them the best advice?
I don't think they need to go to the vet for every little thing. I take my dogs for their yearly check-ups %26amp; shots, but if something comes up, I first try treating it myself before calling the vet.

Just like people they can get sore %26amp; bruise, have upset stomachs, get constipated or get diarhea. But, we don't run to the doctor every time we get a headache, a tummy ache, bump our elbows or stub our toes. I have four over the counter medications that I keep on hand at all times for my dogs. I love my dogs %26amp; I take care of them, but the answer to every question is not ';go to the vet';.

Also, to accuse people of abuse, or not deserving a pet because they are asking advise or can't afford to take them to the vet is bogus. Often situations %26amp; finances change. Is a loving person really supposed to abandon their animal, whom they have bonded with to strangers? Have these people ever been to an animal shelter? There are enough homeless dogs %26amp; cats already. Its better for someone to keep the animals they have commited to %26amp; love them %26amp; do the best they can for them. A dog is loyal to the end, and would rather be with the person they love than anything else in the world.If people are asking about dogs and are unwilling to see a vet shouldn't we still give them the best advice?
The vast majority of people on this forum don't have the knowledge %26amp; expertise that a vet does, so while it can be helpful to give some advise, it might not be the right advise. Ameter advise is fine but a vet should always be consulted
i agree...people should just bring their animal to a vet...but some are not able we should give them the best advise....and some people might not know that the animals condition is bad enough to bring to the vet
i agree with you....too many innocent animals die each year. its absolutely horrible
I think you are right we need to help when we can. Nice soap box.
give them good advice
Sometimes a dog can be helped with advice from others on here...but sometimes the dog really does need to see a Vet...and if the person is not willing or can't afford to take the dog to that vet, should he even be allowed to own a dog? You made a commitment to this animal when you decided to get it....if you can't treat him properly medically, maybe it's time you gave him up to someone who will be able to take good care of him
Well said, I totally agree with you on this. I feel so sorry for the dogs when they really need help and people can be so mean. Just saying get to the vet is not helping the poor animal. Further more not everyone can afford a vet anymore but they still love their pets and need advice.
People do deserve the best advice on this matter as any other Q. Problem is the asker can take the advice of anyone and have you see some of the answers given? Not everyone should be given answers on this type of thing.

Best way to answer is let them know the vet is always the best to go.

I have seen great answers but you can't always know who the asker will choose to listen to.
Because I (nor are the majority of the people on this forum) am not a vet, nor do I pretend to be, and I'm not going to pretend to have the solution to dog with two broken legs that can't walk, or for a dog that just ingested antifreeze (BOTH of which questions I have seen on this forum). That person NEEDS to take their dog to a vet, whether they're ';willing to'; or not. Not providing a dog proper veterinary care is animal abuse by law, and like I told the last person who asked this question only 5 minutes ago, the people who are abusing these animals need to know that what they are doing is wrong and that their animal should be at a vet. Sure, if someones dog has a little runny stool, I'm more than happy to tell them what I think will help, but people who come on here with questions about their animals who have serious life threatening ailments need to go to a vet, not receive free advice from random strangers with (sometimes) little or no qualifications.
I know a lot about dogs, but once in awhile I will ask a question for peoples opinions on what to do. When I do, I know it's not something I have to see a vet for. Like today I asked a question about my aunts bichon that I'm watching and won't stop barking. I got so many. ';call his vet'; answers. Are people actually here to help, or to get the 2 points? I'm not going to call a vet over a barking dog!! I hate when I see people asking questions about dog food and people saying to call a vet. This site is here to help people. I will help people the best I can with the best advice I know.

Also not everyone can take a dog to a vet for every minor problem that can be fixed at home. The econemy is getting worse everyday. Or am I the only one who is paying attention to whats going on in this country?
What you said is right on. Instead of the lectures and rude comments, try to give the best advice that you can. Even if it doesn't help that person, it might help someone else. Didn't mama ever teach you 'if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all'? Sure some people set themselves up for criticism, but most are just asking for some friendly advice. We can all learn from the Answers site, and how to be polite is one of the lessons. Maybe it's just better to pass than to spew all that anger.
We need to assist everyone all we can, sometimes an over the counter remedy is an option as opposed to a vet visit. With the economy, gas prices, food prices...some owners who could afford to ';take the dog to the vet'; are no longer able to do so.

Lets continue helping everyone as best we can, and please do not judge a person's ownership capability on reluctance to visit the Vet...most would if they could afford it!
I do believe in giving the best advice that one can, in the most polite way possible. It never helps the animal to be abusive towards the person who is seeking advice.

I'm new here, so I'm not entirely sure how many Americans (like me) are posting here. One reason I'm reluctant to give anything that looks like medical advice (other than go to the vet/doctor) is that such advice given by laymen (like me) can be actionable under U.S. laws. I'm an expert on ferrets, for example, and can talk people through a number of crises involving them, but even though I have some pretty extensive medical knowledge about them, I feel legally bound to tell people to seek veterinary attention, in the end.
I will admit it does get carried away with the ';call the vet'; stuff. I have seen some questions where the answerers put call the vet and all I could think is are you serious, the vet will tell you to call a trainer. But at the same time there are some questions where the only real and obvious option is for the person to take their dog to the vet. Maybe if enough people tell them that their only option is a vet, they will see the light and actually take their dog there.

Edit, I do agree that when the only option is to go to the vet, it is better to explain why so that they fully understand that the vet is the way to go, instead of just saying vet now, or get off your @ss and go to the vet. They are more likely to listen if you explain the reason behind it.
Okay...personal experience. I used to go to for advice before I took them to the vet-simply for advice. You would not believe the people on there that will trash you for asking for advice on a forum instead of taking them to the vet first. I also realize they in most cases a vet check is needed...but in other cases like ';My cat scratches it's rear twice a day, what should I do'; - of course that statement was complete sarcasm! But it's not that people aren't responsible pet owners...we all realize that vet checks are needed...but in some cases..they aren't. I was accused of being a horrible pet owner because I asked a question about my 16 year old cat. It was his time to go....he was comfortable in my room in his basket- but was taking longer to ';go'; that I wrote on a forum about what I should do...let him go naturally...or take him to be pts. He wasn't in pain....but I had someone riding me about not being responsible and how I shouldn't own animals because I clearly abused them. It didn't make any sense and it made me feel horrible. SO...after the long answer...the short answer is....yes. Of course we'll always say ';take him/her to the vet.'; but I believe that we can still help without being hateful and throwing accusations.
I had asked a question a few weeks ago why sometimes when the only answer is go to the vet because what ever the symptoms are they may be worse then how its explained and so on and sometime the askers do get upset.

But I have never said it in a rude or mean way

I also posted another question with ppl being rude and mean to the asker and if they felt high and mighty by doing so,when some other person went back to my first question trying to make it seem like I was condradicting myself,clearly the ones that attacked me didn't see how bot questions I asked were totally different

Mind you that question got deleted as it was reported cause i made a comment to the one who found and posted my first question

I try and give the best advice and if i don't know anything about the what they are asking,I won't even answer it

I agree with you,in every thing you say,I will suggest call your vet and ask,phone calls are free

Sometime people have made appointment,they clearly state they have an appointment but in the meantime wonders if anyone has experiensed what their dogs has i guess to to stay a little calm before the visit,and what do some answer,make an appointment,they don't read the whole thing

I am also so tired of people saying don't breed,go to a shelter and see how many puppies, dogs abandoned

I don't bash the ones who bred their dogs,I actually can help in this

For all those who say go to a shelter,I say instead of bashing breeders or new breeders,go to the shelter pick out 4 dogs a day and find them homes,instead of sitting at their computers and bashing and or being rude

I also agree the Vet is the best place for advice,but like you said times are getting rough

and i bet all those who say you shouldn't of gotten a dog if you didn't have the funds to pay for emergencies,

I wonder how many of them who bash them actually have major money just sitting in their accounts for their pets

they all can't be loaded...

to maltese lover,how is it cruel and abuse by law when these people really don't know?

are you in the USA,cause if you are,did you see Oprah, where a puppy mill had dead dogs on their properties and the law did nothing!!!!!!!!!!

and those puppy mills can still run them,and the police,politions do squat

Dogs are considered live stock,live stock to me is cattle,pigs,chicken farms
people who have animals than dont take care of them shouldnt ever own 1..but any body who starve the dog/cat even if they can afford them selves to eat.. they dont deserve pets..some options are take the animla to the vet for the owners should be taught a lesson through beaten or wat ever the same as wat ever they did to thier pet.. ';wat goes around comes around';...
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