I met this girl at the end of last year, we knew each other before but never really hung out or anything. Then we both were at this lil party thing and ended up making out. A week later we hung out again at another party and made out again. From that point we were kinda a couple but never boyfriend girlfriend. We hung out and dated all summer. During the summer tho, she broke up with me twice even tho we got back together both times. The one time she broke up with me for her old boyfriend of 2 years. The other time because she got upset with me for gettin mad at her all the time for ditching me, which she did quite a few times. There were times when we got along great and other times when we fought but we always made up. About a month ago i decided i really did like her and i snuck out and walked 2 miles in the middle of the night just to ask her out. Things were great and i was extremely happy. We have alot of mutual friends and hang out all the time. But just yesterday we were supposed to go over to her house to hang out (me and my friend and her friend who have a thing). Right before that tho she said she didnt really wanna hang out which confused me because shouldnt your girlfriend who says she loves you always wanna be with you, so i asked her why and she got smart and we argued for a while then just stopped talking. However we still went to her that house that night and we didn't talk all night and it was awkward. But today i felt bad like i always do, because im such a sucker for her and even if something is her fault ill apologize. I texted and called her a few times all day but she didnt respond utnil i left a text asking her to please just talk to me. She responded telling me she didnt wanna deal with me right now, and i asked why and she said I was acting gay last night, which i might have been but so was she. IT was a two way thing. And now she says she wants her space....
I love the girl, i really actually love this girl. She is the first girl i think i have ever loved. She makes me happier then anyone else can, yet she can rip me to pieces just saying the smallest things. I don;t know what to do with this girl. With the fighting, the constant worry of her secretly talking to her ex boyfriend again, and the just overally sadness she can make me feel sometimes. I just want an opinion on what they think i should do.Troubled Lover (only people who actually can help and gimme advice)?
It sounds like you're spending too much time with her. If she says she wants her space, give her space. She wouldn't say it if she didn't need it. You probably don't realize that you are clinging to her because you love her so much and it's so unfamiliar. As far as the question about time-spending's relation to love, the answer is no. Loving someone doesn't mean they should always want to be with you. Plenty of people need alone time. The healthiest thing is to back it off a little and let her have some time to miss you, which is something she can't do when you're around. If the relationship can work, you won't find that out by invading her personal space.Troubled Lover (only people who actually can help and gimme advice)?
Feeling for girls are fake as our believes in general especially when you're young so forget it. and get going on.
I truly commend anyone who reads this essay. Cut it down a bit and you will get more answers
wow thats a long storie,
well i dont think a couple need to be with each other 24/7
people do need their space at time, girls are difficult they sometime just want to have their space without being question it can be really hard, if you do ask them you can come off as bossy and nosey. if you hang out with someone too much they'll get sick of you and fights begins
just wait and give her time
move on... there must be someone else! I am having the same problem!
answer mine please?
You know what dude? Just go with the flow. Every sweet guy should that her gf is always right. But if you think that she's abusing you, then dump her. But now, all you have to do is be sweet and caring to her like tomorrow will be the last day of your life. Then always ask her out. about four times a week. Eat with her. And also, if you are going to her house or yours, go with her alone, don't go with people because if you're with a guy, she would think you are a gay, and if with a girl, she would think you like the girl.
Hope it all goes WELL
You know, this exact same thing happened to my brother. He was dating a girl and she kept on breaking up with him for stupid stupid reasons. And of course he did some stupid things, but he really did love her and it was the first girl he ever loved.
You wanna know what happened. They broke up for the sixth time, he moved, and they don't talk anymore. He moved on and is dating other people now. And he's happy.
So, my advice is to move on. If she doesn't want to deal with you, say ';fine'; and don't let her deal with you.
I'm sure you want to make this work. But, maybe you two do need a little space for a bit. People tend to want what they don't have. If you want her back, give her space, and she may or may not come back to you. It's kind of a reverse psychology thing. Give her what she wants and you may get what you want in return.
i can tell you really love her. love can bite you in the a-- though. only lovers can fight like that. but she will cheat on you again and again. i would 4get and 4give 4 now. if she dumps you one more time than screw her. i can tell your an excellent guy and she doesn't deserve you. you can get any girl you want.
I understand your concern...i get paranoid too about some of my gfs sometimes communicatiing with their ex...but judging by her behavior it looks like she already is...to avoid hurting yourself in the future consult her about it...and if things did'nt work out just forget about her..i did the same thing last time...it hurts but love goes on forever bro...good luck...
This actually happened to me.
Love can be a real ***** sometimes.
To tell you the truth, I think you should just be friends. It's not worth the pain of fighting all the time just for that small, fleeting moment of happiness.
Do what your heart says, and it will work out in the end.
it sounds like she might have someone else. she is making excuse so she doesn't have to see you, and picking fights with you.You even said she broke up with you for this other boyfriend. open your eyes guy. she was never yours. you can do much better. find someone who deserves you.
ok lets start here. give her space if you think about it what choice do you have. sometimes if you want that other person to think about you, miss you, she will not be able to if you are on her constantly .I suggest you find another girl to date. do not feel bad or guilty, she is telling you to, she probably wants to hang out with her old friends. so why you are home worrying about her ,feeling bad, she is out having a good time, not even thinking about you . so please continue dating there are other women who would love your company and as soon as you find a nice girl to date, your girlfriend will be bothering you all the time she don';t want you but she don';t want anyone else to have you . start dating someone else and watch. Be careful you do not fall in love with someone else I know you can not think that way right now but do not waste your time it goes by fast good luck
Dude i know exactly what ur going through, the same thing is happening with with this girl she doesn't text me back either and she treats me like **** but i keep going back 2 her and she is even talking to her ex 2. Its crazy how similar our stories are im just going to move on by hanging out with some different girls i think you should do the same.
I think your best bet would be to let it be for a few days, let her settle down. Then, send her an email (not a text) asking what is wrong. Be as thoughtful and nice as possible so she understands that you are concerned about her. I wouldn't drop the ';But I love you'; bomb just yet, but if things get better it might re-assure her. Good luck lover-boy!
Give the girl her space. You can not make someone want to be with you. It sounds as though she has some issues she is confused about. Neediness will not win her back. You might like to reevaluate how this relationship developed. It sounds as though it was not on stable ground to begin with, you sort of approached it backwards. A firm foundation of mutual respect should come before making out. Clear boundaries about what constitutes a relationship will help you next time. Maybe this will work out, maybe it won't. It is okay to feel bad and grieve for a while, but don't wallow. Do not let her string you along, treat both of you with honesty and respect. Best Wishes to You.
see ...if a relationship is normal and satisfying you should not have to write this question . the very fact that you have written this shows you have deep doubts ..and dear man if you are in love there is either love or not ..no doubts ...love is like math .. if you are thinking too much while solving the answer .... very probably your answer is wrong
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