Saturday, August 21, 2010

Im singing in front of 30,000 people soon and have no idea how to quell the nevers. advice?

Picture the audience nakedIm singing in front of 30,000 people soon and have no idea how to quell the nevers. advice?
stretch out the muscles around your ribcage for a couple of minutes and breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth. the stretching helps to breathe more deeply and that way of breathing can slow a nervous heart. in through the nose haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa out through the mouth :DIm singing in front of 30,000 people soon and have no idea how to quell the nevers. advice?
As you are standing on the stage, scan the audience and find someone that attracts your attention. Start out by singing to THAT person and begin to sing to everyone else as you go along.

Don't fret though, EVERYONE gets the gitters in front of an audience regardless of the size.
I would say to start with, don't look at anyone, and if you find yourself looking at someone look at their forehead not at their eyes,keep your eyes moving and be pleasent and smile a lot,make everybody think you love what you are doing!
Clear your head, and think of the place you best like to practice or rehearse, and then just go there, considering your self all alone.

Or do what my drama teacher use to tell me. Think of your audience as heads of Cabbage, in a field. It use to work for me. I'd end up laughing my head off (try play Queen Ann just before the executioner) and of course off the stage.
Dont drink anything with caffeine before the performance...(learnt this the very hard way)

I try to visualise the performance way before - let the butterflies work themselves up - then relax into it, to the point where you can control the butterflies BEFORE the performance.

Worse comes to worse, make sure you keep a bucket near the stage...

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